Reception Curriculum Information

Long term overview
In the foundation stage we use objective led planning to ensure that the children have access to a breadth of new learning. We take into consideration the current interests of the children and this is represented in the daily continuous provision and enhancements. 
The academic year is carefully planned to ensure that all children have the opportunity to meet their Early Learning Goals (ELG) by the summer term. 
Special Educational Needs in the Mainstream Environment 
At St Catherine's we plan carefully for children who may enter the mainstream school environment with identified or hidden additional needs. We are guided by our Christian values to ensure that everyone gets the correct start to school and support children to "keep up" not "catch up". 
Children are taught about differences and communication practices to ensure that everyone in our class feels welcome. Children are taught "you learn what YOU need to learn WHEN You need to learn it". This helps children to understand why they might be in a different phonics group, read a different level book or communicate in a different way to others in their class. 
We work closely with the NHS Speech and Language team. This enables us to refer and conduct speech programmes in the classroom. 
We are able to refer to many agencies for further support if you have concerns about your child's development. 
Due to the current NHS and CAMHs waiting lists if you are at all concerned about your child and their development please speak to Miss Rowe to book a meeting.  
Children who are not yet accessing the Long term plan for the class instead access the SEND programme where developmental steps are detailed and personalized to meet your child's needs.  
Please speak to Miss Rowe if you require more information. 
Knowledge Overviews
Knowledge overviews are designed to give you a look into the content your child will be taught over the course of their Foundation stage 2 academic year. These will help you understand the learning process your child will go through this year. 
As learning in the Early Years is ' in the moment' the topics that the information is delivered through may change but the overall outcome will not.